by bicycle

Day 23: Brasiléia to Xapuri (13.04, 69 km)

This was my first full day of pedalling through Brasil.
I had to take care of some things in the morning: change my Soles into Reais (for this I had to go back to Bolivia, and I hoped that at least this time I will get a stamp in my passport, but no); try to buy a local SIM and investigate the route options for getting to Atlantic. I started pedalling quite tensed, as it is my second day ever in this country. The road is not as good as in Peru, but traffic is fine, and the drivers are quite careful. The scenery was very monotone, and for the entire day I only saw grazing land left and right. These farms (fazendas as they are called) are so huge, that for hours on end you go and see no house or village. This made the day quite dull and uninteresting, but everything ended fine, and in the evening I arrived in Xapuri, home of Chico Mendes (famous social and environmental activist, killed by a big landowner in the area).


  1. simona

    ciao minucule, ia vezi poate reusesti sa stai/dormi la o fazenda, au fost colegii mei cand se duceau in brasilia si era super fain – cu mancare ca in romania – e o carne minunata – (sa te duci neaparat la churrascaria) cu calarit, foc de tabara etc. Evident, tre’ sa cunosti pe proprietarul de la fazenda. distractie placuta si ai grija, in favelas e periculos, sa nu te pierzi pe acolo. pupici si ne auzim la telefon

    • Cosmin

      Da, așa voi face!

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