The hours went by very fast, and all of a sudden the Atlantic ocean was lying in front of me. I reached the shore, celebrated with an água de coco and called my friends and my family.
On the 12th of March, exactly two months ago, I was leaving the Pacific coast. Here I am today, on the other side of the continent, after two months and 3,757 kilometers on the bicycle.
During this last day, just after leaving Eunápolis, I met a group of Brazilian cyclists, and they were all very excited about my trip. We took lots of pictures, had a good laugh, and everything was full of good vibes. This was a perfect last day, as good as all the others before!
We are all very glad to see you reaching the shore on the other side of the continent…now it is time to come back home again.
Gata, asta a fost ? Bravo, you made it. Ai scris istorie. Din nou. Felicitări! !
Cuvintele sunt prea mici de fapt. E impresionant ce ai facut. Mi-ar fi placut sa scrii ceva mai mult, dar nu e timpul pierdut.
Abia aștept să te văd
cu scrisul e mai greu – cel mai bine îți povestesc față în față.
Thanks for all the blog posts. It was a pleasure to read about your journey.
An amazing trip.
Now climbing time!
Congratulations Cosmin. As I can see you got to grow your musles in the last two months!
YEAH, YEAH,YEAH! Cosmin, congratulations! Where is the sloth?;)
Hahaha. Thank you! Could’t fond a sloth though…
Excelentes fotos!
Tienes que hacer ahora un “bonus track” sobre tu tiempo en Rio de Janeiro 😀
HURRAY!!!!! Bravo mai, ai reusit!!! Si ce bine arati :-). te pupam si ne e dor de tine! Poate ne auzim pana luni, ai vreun nr de
telefon? pupici