by bicycle

Good bye Lima!

Sunday evening the bicycle arrived – everything looking fine, no damages. The emotional roller-coaster is over, so I used the last days to enjoy Lima, surrounded by good friends and eating la rica comida Peruana (y Argentina).


(The photo in front of 305 Sur was taken by Jair)

This morning I took the bus to Pisco, and now am sitting in a hostel 25 meters from the ocean. I managed to unpack the bicycle, assemble it and tomorrow will make a short 20-kilometers test ride. Thursday early morning I head to Ica – I am a bit concerned about the heat, as I will cross one of the driest deserts in the world. Also, I just realised that the weight of all my gear increased by at least three kilos, due to some last-minute purchases.


  1. ciocan165

    Drum bun moshule. Sa ai grija de tine. Sa-ti iei multa apa cu tine dragule te pup.

    • Cosmin

      Mulțumesc moșule! Astăzi mă relaxez un pic și o să fac un tur scurt de control. E foarte cald, așa că mâine am planificat să o iau din loc la cinci jumătate de dimineață.

  2. mirko

    Good to hear that the bike arrived. Thumbs up for the start. The desert will be a piece of cake.

  3. mircea

    sper ca de data asta iti porti bagajul pe bicicleta si nu in spinare .
    drum bun!

    • Cosmin

      pe bicicletă, am mai învățat și eu ceva. Mâine vreau să încep la cinci jumate, nu m-am mai sculat la ora asta de când eram la grădiniță

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