by bicycle

Day 29: Jirau to Porto Velho (21.04, 135 km)

It was a very hot and noisy night, and I only slept four hours. My host came in the morning with coffee, and I said goodbye to her and her three grandsons (Joshua, the youngest of the boys wanted to come with me). The heat seemed even stronger today, and it was 40°C already at 9 AM.

I was pushing through, as I started quite late and I wanted to reach Porto Velho before evening. The scenery became again dull, the usual Fazendas appeared, and I was sweating like an ox on my bike. Everything was hurting and I was tired and hungry, as I did not have breakfast. Around 10 I reach Jaci-Paraná, have a late breakfast and buy a whole chocolate cake and one kilo of oranges for the road. After midday, while taking a short break in the shade of some roadsign, I hear a car puling over. It is the doctor from the Red Cross who I met in Jirau. He is going to Porto Velho and asks me if I want to join him – he has a pick-up truck and I could put the bike in the back. I think twice this time, but thank him and tell him that I will go by bike.

After eating half of the chocolate cake, I made another stop on the way to fix the tube which I had to replace when I had the flat tire some days ago:


While approaching Porto Velho a thunderstrom started, and I had to pedal through rain, lighting, cars and trucks speeding past me. I finally reach the unexpectedly quiet Porto Velho (because it is a holiday today), eat dinner and have a very agitated and long sleep.


  1. Anonymous

    Si noi de baut ce mai mancam?

    • Cosmin

      Faza era: și noi de mâncat ce mai bem (cred că de la asta m-ai scos alcoolic)

  2. FAB-DAB

    It is interesting that there seems to be a repair shop when you need one! He looks relaxed:)

    • Cosmin

      Ja, these tyre repair shops are pretty much everywhere. Yes, he was relaxed…

  3. osu

    Dorele, mai răsufla?

    • Cosmin

      E tare tipul, nu? Să vezi ce fotoliu își făcuse dintr-o cameră de camion, meserie.

  4. Simon

    Hai ca si brazilia e spectaculoasa si oamenii sunt super. Eu m-am simtit si am mancat (mai ales carne) ca in romania . Sunt curioasa ce o sa mai vezi si cum o sa vezi tu.
    Maine e ziua lui Opi, sa ne gandim la el. Ar fi fost tare mandru de tine!
    Te pupam cu drag, surioara & co

    • Cosmin

      Așa e. Și eu m-am gândit la tata, mi-e tare dor de el. Vă pup.

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