by bicycle

Cusco (31.03)

A typical Cusco street03.31_1_Calle of Cusco

Street scene03.31_2_Old lady


Iglesia de San Francisco (finished 1651)03.31_3_San Francisco cayhedral


Arco de Santa Clara (Leads from the Plaza San Francisco to the Calle Santa Clara. Was built in 1835 to celebrate the Peru-Bolivian confederation which lasted from 1836 to 1839).03.31_4_Arco de Santa Clara - this arch leads from the Plaza San Francisco to the Calle (street) Santa Clara.  It was built in 1835 to celebrate the federation with Bolivia (albeit short-lived).


Local police03.31_5_Polica


Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin (Cusco Cathedral. Was completed in 1654)Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin, also known as Cusco Cathedral, is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cusco. The cathedral is located on the Plaza de Armas. Building was completed in 1654




La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuit church, built on the site of Amarucancha, the palace of Huayna Cápac, the eleventh emperor of the Inca empire)La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús es una iglesia jesuita levantada en la ciudad de Cusco, en el Perú. Fue construida en el sitio de la Amarucancha, el palacio de Huayna Cápac


  1. Leo

    Amazing trip you’re doing Cosmin! Brave… Wishing you full strength, joy and luck for the next steps to go! Now that I know about it, I’ll be following you!

    • Cosmin

      Hey Leo! Such a nice surprise to hear from you. Thanks a lot for the wishes. Hugs!

  2. simona

    Ce imagini pitoresti si faine! Ce ochi pentru detalii ai, minucule! te pupam si distractie placuta in continuare, surioara

    • Cosmin

      Mulțumesc! Acum sunt în Tinke, am făcut o pauză neplanificată de o zi – am prins o mică răceală în coborârea dinspre Cusco, și acum sunt OK. Mâine e ziua cea mare – ajung la 4.725 metri altitudine, iar după aceea e numai coborâre până în junglă.

  3. simona

    Bine Minucu, ai grija de tine, sa te restabilesti complet iniante sa pleci la asa inaltime.Oricum, felicitari, am vazut ca ai depasit marca de distanta de 1000 de km, bravo! te pupam cu drag

    • Cosmin

      Multumesc! Mai raman vreo 4,500 de kilometri…

  4. Jair

    Te faltó poner foto con Mariella y Carlos Julio 😀

    • Cosmin

      Pucha, ha salido mal, es muy granular…

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