Pacific to Atlantic

by bicycle

This is it!


I am back in Berlin after more than two months on the road, and have a couple of days to relax and do the math. This is what it all adds up to:

4,724      meters above sea level, highest point on the way;
3,757      kilometers rode on the bicycle;
2,500      kilometers traveled by bus;
12             flat tires;
3                countries crossed;
2                oceans;
1                amazing adventure.

And this is how it looks on the map (you can see it in more detail here):

What in the beginning seemed like a crazy dream eventually came true and took me from one side of the continent to the other, from ocean to ocean. I saw desserts, jungle, mountains, villages, towns and cities, and tasted every food I found on the way. I met people from all over the world, each with a story to tell, and all of them curious about my story. I spent time in peoples’ houses, was invited for dinner and received many gifts. I learned how to cook sudado de pescado, was offered açaí in the Bolivian jungle and ate tacacá for the first time in Rio Branco. I had my friends all over the world and my family back home always by my side, encouraging me  when I was worried or tired. For all of the above I am thankful.



— The End —

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